Pride CEO Joe Maak Speaks at Conference Held by Mayor Faulconer Showcasing Economic Impact of Pride Weekend in San Diego
San Diego Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer joined by city leaders and local LGBT business owners held a conference showcasing the economic and cultural impacts of San Diego’s LGBT community.
“San Diego Pride is one of San Diego region’s largest events, contributing millions of dollars to our local economy each year, dollars that support local jobs, local businesses, and local needs like road repairs, public safety, and neighborhood improvements,” the mayor said.
During Mr. Maak’s presentation he talked about his experience working for a San Diego based firm for 14 years, a place where he felt discriminated. And even though he never mentioned it to his former employers, the subtle but persistent discrimination incidents added up to where he decided to leave this place of work. It was at that time of reflection and change that Mr. Maak heard about The California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) and about the new order 156 allowing for the LGBTQ classification as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. Mr. Maak applied and received the CPUC certification and started his company Pride Resource Partners (PRPLLC) at the end of 2015. At the beginning he was the only employee. Since then the company has grown to 40 employees.
Mr. Maak also mentioned that PRPLCC is a great representation of how you can be proud not just outside the workplace. Since he started his firm PRPLLC has looked for ways to give back to the community, one of the first things was establishing the LGBTQ scholarship program in perpetuity with MiraCosta College. Other sponsorships include ones to the Center for Children, Bridging Hearts, The Burns Institute, Trevor Project, Habitat for Humanity, and City of Hope.
He followed by thanking Barbara Blake from SDEBA for extending the invitation to him to participate again as one of the corporate sponsors at this year’s Pride Parade and mentioned that he will be walking side by side with his employees to show PRIDE. Mr. Maak finished by saying “The Pride festivities represent what this country should be all about. Inclusion, acceptance, and love.”