Pride CEO Joe Maak Participates as Panelist at CPUC Small Business Expo in L.A.
Pride Resource Partners’ CEO, Mr. Joe Maak, was invited to be one of the panelists at the CPUC Small Business Expo that took place in L.A. on May 3rd, 2017. The event had over 400 attendees and promoted procurement opportunities, educating small businesses on the important topic of “how to do business with State Agencies and the Utilities.” The Expo also provided an opportunity to educate small businesses on the benefits of becoming certified with CPUC and invited companies to share advice on how small businesses can “get in the door with utility companies”, among other important topics. The conference provided a platform to speak about PRPLLC’s experience in doing business with the public utilities. Mr. Maak’s contributions were well received by the attendees. Giving back to the community is one important aspect that PRPLLC constantly works on.